segunda-feira, 12 de janeiro de 2009

The Neo Yuppies

The Neo Yuppies
(young urban professionals)
this subsculture has much to see with our time. It appeared recently in New York and other major American cities and spread quickly around the world and has reached Europe, Japan and Australia.The Neo Yuppies are true professionals and work addicted.
They only look for high profit jobs in high-tech and companies or in the stock market.They’re addicted to brand new technologic and electronic gadgets such as all Mac products which includes the I phone ,I pods and Mac computers,they also like to have all state of the art technology and are always on top of any new product launched on to the market.
They love expensive and stylish clothes such as Hugo Boss, Giorgio Armani,Calvin klein amongst other brands.
They drive powerfull and non polluent hybrid cars,mostly Toyota,Lexus and Honda(the most advanced car makers) "The Neo Yuppies" prefer to live in new architecture style homes ,that includes energy saving systems. They like designer furniture but they are pure minimalists. At work they prefere drink mineral water and cofee but when they go out they drink a lot of whiskey and Vodka drinks and also do cocaine. Normaly they get maried at a late age, because they like to "swing" with different women. The women neo yuppies act and think the same as the men.
They also love big parties in fashioned clubs because thats the way to meet beautiful people.At there houses, cars as in the disco, they listen to House and techno music.
Their rules are: they respect the law, since they have benefits in their business. They respect nature and like to say that they drive non-polluent vehicles and live in energy efficient homes that save nature. They’re totally against wars and fight against Co2 and Ozone Holes. In some cases they can loose controle if they are not sucessfull in business and that sometimes can lead them to suicide or in a worst case scenario if they don´t commit suicide some finish their days living on the streets as homeless people with nothing but the cloths they have on.

Luis Miguel Teixeira Soares AL nº 29747

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